Name: Akimichi Chouji
Age: 13
Birthday: 01 May
Zodiac: Taurus
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Asuma
Teammates: Nara Shikamaru, Yamanako Ino
Main jutsu : Baika no jutsu (Meat Tank Technique)
Bane: Being called a fatass and stealing his last piece of chip.
Background: Chouji is from the Akimichi clan of Konoha and best friend of Shikamaru.
The Deal with him: Your first impression of him must have been "that fatass in Ino's group". Chouji is almost the definition of 'Gluttony'. He is a compulsive eater and he has got this really cool waistpouch that looks small but can contain bags of potato chips AND a cake.
Chouji's choice of the ninja headband looks suspiciously like an inverted underwear. He is mild-mannered and would avoid as many fights as possible, believing he'd lose anyway. Unless, of course, if you call label him a 'fatass'. Then he'd morph into a giant meatball and flatten you.
Chouji grew up with people making fun of him because he's fat and soft-spoken but don't look down on this butterfly. Besides turning himself into a meat tank, Chouji also has his clan's ultimate Houren pills to increase his chakra (though they come with great side effects). The 3 pills that reflect the traffic light colours lend him momentary great power when he take them. The final red pill though, not only increases his power to a hundred times and changes his voice but also doubles as an instant slimming pill.The drawback is that the user may very likely suffer from overdose and die.
During the Sasuke-hunt, Chouji demonstrated his pills' abilities when he fought Jiroubu of the Sound 4.
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